Friday, October 29, 2010


The Halloween Party in Ty's first grade class today was  nostalgic
for me on one hand and completely out of control on the other.

I was 'incharge', if that is possible in first grade, and ended up with my two little ones as
helpers - Andrew, three, and Ben, one.  I should really count
my stroller since it feels like part of the family.  I couldn't live with out it.  
We call it 'Bob'.

  In the one hour party, I went to the restroom FOUR times. 
Once with Andrew and three times with Ben.  Keep in mind that
I arrived without any diapers this morning.  Thank you to the moms at 
Little Valley that were kind enough to share their safety stash with me!!  The best is that
the first diaper was from a mom with a new baby and looked more like a loin cloth on Ben than
a diaper, but it didn't matter because he dirtied it in about ten minutes.  I secured a 
size four that fit for our second go round, and by the third I was totally out of 
options, so he ended up with a hand towel from the dispenser and a prayer that
somehow his bowels could rest themselves for fifteen more minutes!!

I also had to forget that Andrew has a milk allergy.  He was
beside himself and hungry and the only option I
had was cupcakes - filled with pudding.
It has been a year since he has had milk, I guess we will
see if his body can tolerate a little ..

Beyond all of that - the party was great.  There is something
so sweet about seeing six year old kids dressed up in
costumes ranging from pirates to army guys.
I love that at the end of the party you can ask them to 
pretend they are cats and pick up everything they 
see on the floor - meowing all the way.
Life is meant to be simple!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


We have lived in St. George and it takes my sister visiting to get us
to hike Snow Canyon.  We have actually been once, but
of course we forgot our camera. 

It is so great to look out on the world from the top of 
the mountain.

I loved watching Andrew.  He tackled that mountain like he had hiked 
everyday of his life.  It was like he was aching for that challenge.
He knew he could do it and he wasn't afraid to try.  It brought
peace to my hear to see him be a little boy.
The beauty of nature!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


How fun is it to walk into your house at nine o'clock 
at night and find it filled with friends and beautiful food?
 so fun!

Thank you to my love this was the greatest birthday celebration
I have experienced.  It still makes me giggle!

You ladies out did yourselves!  It was beautiful!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Flour face!

Last week for FHE Ty was on the lesson.
He was set on playing the penny in the flour game.
Why is it so fun to have your face covered in flour?
Andrew started trying to drop the penny on purpose.
Maybe this could work into a Halloween costume?!

Conference Time!

Today was general conference.  
It was so great!
It was just our family and it reminded me of being a 
kid all over again.  Everyone all together - in one room
listening to conference.  Lauren and Ty were listening for code words
so they could add a penny to their bowl.
They each tallied up a five dollar total.  I think we need to find
a new listening game for April ...
Half way through the first session, 
Rich got sleepy, so he pulled out the lotion and 
started rubbing my feet.  Once he finished with me, he 
went to Ty and then Lauren.  Andrew wanted in on the fun, so 
he laid on the couch next to me while I gave him the 'rubs'.

A few minutes after Rich finished with the kids Lauren and Ty
were each rubbing one of his feet.  What a great way to enjoy 
conference!  We finished the day with a walk around
the neighborhood.   Ben figured out how to work the 
wiggle car alone.  We all watched and giggled.